Friday, August 16, 2013

The 20 Best Books I Ever Read on Self-Development

Every book on this list is a storehouse of tips and techniques that will offer unlimited potential and prospects to a persevering reader.  Some of them you have already read, some of them you encounter for the first time, but one thing is true – you can't miss a single book!

1.       “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” – Steven Covey

This book represents a broad range a new holistic "technology" for resolving problems arising in everyday life, in your personal life or during the performance of official duties at the workplace.
Having studied the principles underlying the proposed approach, and by applying them practically every reasonable person, will be able to properly and safely respond to changes in circumstances, will possess the wisdom and power, necessary for realizing the opportunities that open up when any such change occurs.

2.       “Trump: The Art of the Deal” – Donald Trump (audiobook)

This book is written by one of the most successful developers of New York City. Donald Trump introduces the reader into the world of big business, showing how transactions are carried out along with the construction of skyscrapers, gambling establishments, as bureaucratic hurdles are being overcome. Trump talks about large-scale projects that have had a noticeable impact on the look of the New York and Atlantic City, and on this background he also gives vivid, ironic sketches from his own life, while also revealing the secrets of the art of large successful transactions.

3.       “How to make big money in your own small business” – Jeffrey Fox

Running your own business gives great opportunities for entrepreneurs in realizing their personal potential and material ambitions. No bank deposits, high salaries and bonuses may be compared to your potential income resulting from running your own successful business.

It’s a book written by the well-known consultant Jeffrey Fox that helps you achieve business success and avoid dangerous pitfalls. His advice is concise and easy to implement and will be useful to both experienced and novice entrepreneurs.

4.       “Buffettology” – Mary Buffett

This manual is not a new retelling of content of Warren Buffett's letters to shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway "or biography of the greatest investor with popular anecdotes about Buffet and stories of his personal life. The talk will be the largest and most detailed study of the Buffett’s investment method.
The book will provide the reader with the Buffett's highly successful strategy "investing from the position of the business” —from basic concepts and mathematical formulas that have helped Warren to make investment decisions, to the work of specific companies that caught his interest.

5.       “Think and Grow Rich” – Napoleon Hill

If you want to learn how to overcome all obstacles and achieve success, read this wonderful book.
For many years it was a bestseller in the United States and has stood there for 42 editions. But so far, the book by Napoleon Hill amazes with its vital energy.

In it you will find a clear plan on how to succeed in life. And this will come in handy in any business.

6.       “The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari” – Robin Sharma

In this bestseller in many countries of the world, Robin Sharma tells the extraordinary story of Julian Mantle a millionaire lawyer, who experienced a spiritual crisis.

By diving into the ancient culture he changes his life; he discovers effective, wise, practical knowledge that teach us:
  • to think positively;
  • to live accordingly to your vocation;
  • be aware of the power of your mind and act courageously;
  • cherish the time - our greatest asset;
  • cherish the relationship with other people;
  • live in the present.

7.       “The road ahead” – Bill Gates

In it Bill Gates, former head of Microsoft, reflects on the amazing opportunities and difficult challenges of the coming information age. He reveals to the reader his vision on the future, explains the basics of computer science, the development of the global computer industry, the impact of computer technology on all aspects of society, including business and education.

He has given much attention to the past, present and future of the global Internet network. Readers will know about the famous Bill Gates’ house, where he was about to move to the end of the year 1996. The book is divided into 12 chapters, preface, afterword and a pointer; it is designed for a wide range of readers.

8.       “The Ten Commandments for Business Failure” – Donald R. Keough

There are a lot of guides, opening the way to success in abundance. Some more, some less. And when you finally get sick of going after someone else's footsteps, pick up "The Ten Commandments for Business Failure" from former Coca-Cola President Donald R. Keough. In his opinion to become a loser in business is much easier than it seems at first sight, even if the company has plenty of financial well-being. There are ten warning signals of impending collapse, ten serious miscalculations that are guaranteed to provide a complete failure in business.

9.       “The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership” – John Calvin Maxwell

This is a powerful and resounding proclamation of eternal laws, which, if you want to become a great leader, you just need to follow – at home, at work, at church – wherever you are called to lead people.
In each chapter, the author reveals the essence of the ordinary law of leadership by showing on the example of the successes and failures of others how you can apply this law in your life. If you are not familiar with the principles of leadership and are a rookie in this business, this book will serve to you as a springboard to launch your career.

10.   “Screw it, Let’s do it” – Richard Branson

Richard Branson is not just a talented entrepreneur, who built the unique Virgin brand, bringing together dozens of different businesses, including shops selling music discs, air-and railway companies, radio station and publishing house. He is also a bright, non-standard personality.

Branson’s book is a manifest of life, actions, and risks. The creed of its author is to take from life everything. It means not being afraid to do what you want. It does not matter whether you have the knowledge, experience or education. Life is short to waste it on things that do not bring pleasure. If you have a head on your shoulders and enough enthusiasm in your heart, any goal can be achieved. If there is something you like – do it. If you don’t like something drop it without thinking.

The book carries a huge charge of optimism, wisdom, and faith in the ability of every human being.

11.   “How to Win Friends and Influence People” – Dale Carnegie

The most famous Dale Carnegie's book "How to win friends and influence people" is an optimistic collection of practical tips and life stories under the common motto "believe that you will achieve success and you’ll achieve it.

For more than 66 years of his existence as one of the greatest best sellers of all time, he has helped thousands of famous people to climb to success and fame.

And now, in the 21st century, the always topical tips of Dale Carnegie would make every reader unleash his potential and finally be heard.

12.   “Man's Search for Meaning” – Viktor Frankl

This book that tells about the inner world of the person, the ability to find meaning in any situation, sold millions of copies in dozens of countries.
Major philosophers considered it one of the greatest works of humanity and it has helped millions of ordinary people to change their lives.

13.   “Who Moved My Cheese?” – Spencer Johnson

This small tale has changed the lives of many people, be careful, after reading it you will never look at the world in the same way you did.
Believe it or not, but this little tale has saved more than one career, more than one marriage, more than one life.
Each person has his own ideas about what values are denoted by a piece of cheese, that’s why he tries to find him, believing that it will make him happy. When getting it very soon he gets used to it, he becomes attached to it, and when he loses it he panics and takes it as a stroke of fate.

14.   “The 4-Hour Workweek” – Timothy Ferris

If you are seeking to free yourself from the slavery of the office, travel around the world, you are looking to earn a tidy sum, or just want to enjoy life and work less, this book will become your guide to action.
The author talks about the secrets of the "new rich" subculture, whose members have abandoned the "deferred-life syndrome" and have learned to enjoy life "here and now", by travelling around the world and earning a lot.

15.   “Black Rhetoric” – Karsten Bredemeier

Karsten Bredemeier is the no. 1 coach in the field of technology for the entire German-speaking culture of Europe.

Black rhetoric is the ability to manipulate all the rhetorical means and methods to ensure that in the process of negotiations or speeches, the opponent or the audience came to the right conclusion according to you.
After reading this book, you will realize how important the magic of words is, you will improve your perception, hone your style of debate and begin to lead them very differently.

16.   “Everything is Negotiable” – Gavin Kennedy

This book experienced several reprints and is considered the Bible of the negotiator.
It destroys vital stereotypes with absolute ruthlessness, talking about long established, but, unfortunately, wrong concepts and principles of the negotiation process.

The author has taken care that the learning process took place in an interesting and entertaining way.

17.   “Unmasking the Face: A Guide to Recognizing Emotions from Facial Clues” – Paul Ekman

Here is the new book by Paul Ekman, which might well be called the second volume of the acclaimed best-selling book " Telling Lies: Clues to Deceit in the Marketplace, Politics, and Marriage ". This book is a sequel, a book-"trainer", a decrypting-book.

Will you notice if someone is pretending to be surprised? And if anyone is afraid, but wants to look mad, will you notice it?

Improve your skills to protect yourself against cheating at work and at home. Paul Ekman's skills will serve you good!
18.   “The Art of Reading Minds” – Henrik Fexeus

This is a great tutorial for those who want to protect themselves from foreign influence.
With its help you will be able to detect any hidden manipulation of your consciousness and confront them.
You’ll learn to be free, to think independently, buy only what you need and not be used by other people.

19.   “How to Make Anyone Fall in Love with You” – Leil Lowndes

    This is a brief theoretical course on the psychology of romantic love.
This guide, written by the known psychologist Leil Lowndes, considers 6 essential ingredients that make up the formula of love, six parts that are proven by science, that make a man fall madly in love. The author will share with you the knowledge - 85 proven techniques that will enable you to master the magic of love, to win the heart of the man or woman of your dreams.

20.   “The Millionaire Next Door” – Thomas Stanley

Why am I not so rich? Many have asked themselves this question: we work hard, we’re well educated, and we have a middle and even high income. Why are so few among us rich? How people become rich? What are they doing? In what they invest money? Where do they buy? Do I have a chance to get rich? The answers to all these questions you will find in this book.

Read it and your ideas about what it means to be rich successful, will change forever.

Of course, this is just a small drop into a borderless variety of books on self-development, but you have to start from something.